Soursop products purchase - Terms and conditions

Below are the terms and conditions for purchasing soursop products from our store. You agree to these when applicable to your order. If you are not ordering fresh fruit please scroll down to the appropriate section.

Any questions can be sent to 

Terms for Fresh Fruit

By ordering fresh soursop fruit from this store, which is sourced from our South Florida supplier and imported from the Caribbean, you understand, accept and agree to the following terms:

    1. Fresh soursop fruit is a tropical fruit that ripens quickly. Our affiliate farmers harvest it each Sundays and ship it to you via a 1-2 day air courier (FedEX or UPS) outside Florida or 1 to 2 day home service in Florida.
    2. You understand no matter what day of the week you complete your order for fresh fruit that it will not ship until the next assigned Tuesday. Weekly order cut off is Sunday at noon to guarantee next Tuesday shipping.  We will attempt to accommodate orders made after Sunday at noon and ship on Tuesday, however these may be deferred and fulfilled a week later in the next weekly harvest and shipping cycle. 
    3. When the Monday after our weekly Sunday harvest is a national holiday we will not ship that week. Your order will be deferred to the following week. 
    4. You will receive courier (Fedex or UPS) tracking information via email or text depending on which contact information you provide at the time of checkout. You agree to monitor this to ensure you receive the fruit in good condition. 
    5. Upon receiving your order you agree to open it immediately and inspect the fruit. You should expect it to be soft or very soft and will further soften as it ripens. It should be refrigerated immediately on receipt. The edible pulp can also be removed from the green spiny skin and frozen.
    6. The pulp will be runny and like custard. This is not rotten. This is the fruit's natural state.
    7. You understand that if the fruit is exposed to extreme temperatures after arrival (ie left outside or not unpacked) that it may spoil.
    8. Fruit exposed to the elements or room temperature after delivery is your responsibility. 
    9. You agree to make arrangements for you or someone at your address to receive the fruit as it is delivered. You understand that if you do not do this, that it may result in damaged, lost or overripe fruit if it is not received at the time of delivery.  
    10. You agree to retreive any undelivered box from Fedex or UPS the same day. You understand any failure to do so may result in overripe or damaged fruit.
    11. If the fruit pulp is creamy white, it is ripe and edible. It may have a slightly funky smell. This is normal for this kind of fruit. If it is purple or pink (more than 25% of the fruit pulp) it may be spoiled. If so, take a photo and send to us immediately. However, fruit does not spoil in 4-5 days. Send images to with your order number (same day) and we will forward the image to the farm for inspection. Only then will it be determined that it may be eligible for partial refund. Shipping charges are not refundable. You understand and accept that next day claims are ineligible for a compensation or refund.
    12. Each small box (3 to 5 lbs of fruit) consists of 2 to 4 pieces of fruit (approx 1 to 2.5 lbs each). Each medium box (5 to 7 lbs of fruit) consists of 3 to 6 pieces of fruit (approx 1 lb to 2.5 lbs each). Each large box (8 to 10 lbs of fruit) consists of 4 to 8 pieces of fruit (approx 1 lb to 2.5 lbs each). 
    13. While almost every fruit order is fresh and edible, some orders may contain a piece of spoiled fruit.  We may ship more pieces (or larger fruit) to allow for the fact that one piece may not be edible. When all fruit in the box is edible, then we hope you enjoy the bonus.
If you cannot accept these terms, we recommend that you purchase soursop pulp from Amazon.

    Terms for frozen soursop pulp:

    By ordering frozen soursop pulp from this store, you understand, accept and agree to the following terms:

    1. When you purchase soursop pulp from us it is packed in a frozen state in a styrofoam or cold shipping box with a cold pack to help keep it cool during shipping. It is shipped on a 2-day business courier service to your address. When it arrives it will no longer be frozen but in a chilled state. You agree to unpack, refrigerate or freeze it immediately.
    2. Pulp exposed to the elements or room temperature after delivery is your responsibility. You agree to track your order and ensure that someone is available to receive the fruit and refrigerate or refreeze it immediately.
    3. The fruit pulp when thawed will be runny and like custard. This is not rotten. This is the fruit's natural state.
    4. We ship frozen pulp on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays for arrival 2 days later. If you order on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday your order will not be shipped until the next Monday to Wednesday shipping window. This is because the shipping services we use operate Monday to Friday and hold undelivered packages in non-refrigerated storage over weekend days extending the time the product is not refrigerated.
    5. Our frozen pulp is sourced from farmed soursop growers in Colombia.
    6. It is packaged in sealed plastic.
    7. The brand is either Goya or Chiquita. Unless explicitly requested, you will receive whichever brand is available to us through our supplier.
    8. If you cannot accept these terms, we recommend you order dried soursop leaves for tea from us.

    Terms for dried soursop leaves:

    By ordering dried soursop leaves from this store, you understand, accept and agree to the following terms:

    1. Our soursop leaves are wild harvested, meaning they are cut from wild trees in the Virgin Islands. 
    2. The leaves are air dried on racks.
    3. Our understanding is no pesticides or herbicides are used on the wild trees by our supplier.
    4. Many of the dried leaves are whole, however they may be folded or broken as they are dried. These can still be consumed. The leaves occasional have holes in them. Wild trees are subject to insects. This is their natural state.
    5. The leaves are rinsed after harvesting, but we recommend you may want to gently clean them again.
    6. We ship in vacuum sealed packages in envelopes which will flatten for shipping.
    7. Because it is a foodstuff, soursop leaves cannot be returned and restocked.
    8. If you have a concern about the dried soursop leaves you receive, please contact us through this store and we will do our best to address it.
    9. Dried soursop leaves are usually shipped within 2 business days and up to 6 business days after receiving your order in the U.S. International orders can take additional time to reach you.
    10. You can contact us and opt to upgrade the speed of delivery service for additional shipping fees.
    11. Free shipping on dried leaves means we will ship via first class mail through USPS. You can contact us and opt to upgrade the speed of the service for addition shipping fees. 

    All other products:

      1. All non-food products are shipped as soon as possible and up to 5 business days after receiving your order.
      2. If products are back ordered, we will alert you via email on availability. 
      3. If your product is eligible for free shipping, we will ship via first class mail through USPS. You can contact us and opt to upgrade the speed of the service for additional shipping fees.
      4. If you have a concern or problem with any non-food products ordered through this store and we will endeavor to address your concerns to your satisfaction.