Is Soursop and Graviola The Same Fruit And Tree?

Is Soursop and Graviola The Same Fruit And Tree?

is soursop and graviola the same fruit and tree

Soursop and graviola are synonyms, meaning they are words used interchangeably to reference the same thing: a large evergreen fruit tree that produces a spiny green fruit with a sweet custardy pulp.  

Most call it Soursop. Some call it Graviola. These are words that reference the same thing.

Botanists call it Annona Muricata.

Spanish speakers use the word guanabana to describe it. And Filipinos use the word guyabano

The fruit that comes from the soursop or graviola tree is also known by the same words. So it can get rather confusing.

You might use the words this way: "I like soursop". Or "I love to eat graviola". However, it would be more precise to say: "I like soursop fruit". Or "I love to eat graviola fruit".

Besides soursop and graviola, Annona muricata is also known as custard apple, cherimoya, and Brazilian paw paw.

[Where to buy soursop and graviola fruit in the US]

Here is more information on this tree and fruit with many names:

What kind of tree is soursop / graviola?

An evergreen native tropical plant found in tropical regions around the world. This includes the island in the Caribbean Sea, South and Central America, Africa and equatorial Asia, in places like Malaysia or Indonesia.

What does soursop fruit /graviola fruit look like when it is whole?

It is a long robust green prickly fruit with white semi-acidic pulp that contains large black seeds that look like watermelon seeds.

What do soursop leaves or graviola leaves look like?

The soursop or graviola leaves are 2 to 3 inches in size and look slightly shiny or waxy. When dried they turn a green/brown. They are delicious in soursop tea.

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